
Kerry's recently been repeating some of the economically

Isn't this plan crazy enough for you yet? Then white bandage dress get this: It also eliminates the $1 bill and replaces it with a coin. That may seem silly at first, but think about it.: Dollars are like pennies to the wealthy, and other people won't have enough of them to matter. Besides, it helps the poor a little too. When all those malnourished and uninsured kids grow up blind and disabled, they'll know if you really dropped a buck in their cup because they'll hear it rattling against the tin.

All the Republicans on the Committee expressed support for the Paul Ryan budget proposal. That would have eliminated Medicare and replaced it with an increasingly worthless voucher, which they called "Medicare" in order to hide the fact that it was an increasingly-worthless voucher. The House Republicans also voted for steep cuts in funding for education and state and local police. (We've just seen how well that worked out in Great Britain.) There's a lot of other crazy cheap herve leger dresses stuff in there, too.

All the Republicans have pledged not to raise taxes on the wealthy. But they seem to be open to "revenue enhancements" that would devastate the already-struggling middle class, like an elimination of the employer health benefit deduction (which would strip millions of medical coverage and create billions in out-of-pocket costs) and an end to the mortgage interest tax credit (which could put millions more homes into foreclosures and drive real estate values even more).

At any other point in modern history, people in both parties would have seen these six Republicans for what they are - extremists who seek the wholesale destruction of governmental institutions, the decimation of the middle class, and the transfer of even more national income national income to the ultra-wealthy. Eisenhower, Nixon, and even Reagan would recoil at their radical discount herve leger agenda.
The Democrats on the Committee are the nation's last line of defense. They must be outraged about these Social Security cuts, don't you think? They must be gearing up to save us from this insanity right now, right? Actually the best-known Democrat on the Committee, John Kerry, told Meet the Press that we need "a mix of reductions and reforms in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."

Kerry's recently been repeating some of the economically meaningless mantras that were designed and promoted with billionaire Pete Peterson's money, as when he said that our problem "is not the short-term debt... (but) the structural debt of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid measured against the demographics of our nation."

No, it's not. Social Security doesn't contribute to the deficit. The demographic problem, or "baby boomer wave," was fixed in the 1980s, which is why there's currently a $2.6 trillion surplus in Social herve leger dress sale Security. And the way to fix Medicare and Medicaid, which are long-term problems, is by reducing or eliminating the direct and indirect cost of for-profit medicine from our economy.

Hey, maybe the Super Committee will say we can't afford to treat health care as a get-rich-quick scheme for MBAs anymore! They won't, of course, but any group that was sincerely committed to fixing our long-term deficits would.